Anne Castles

Professor of Cognitive Science, Macquarie University
  • Australia

About Anne Castles

My research is in the cognitive science of reading and language, with a particular focus on reading development and developmental dyslexia. I did an Honours degree in Psychology at the Australian National University (1987) and a PhD at Macquarie University, supervised by Professor Max Coltheart (1993). After that, I moved to the University of Melbourne where I had a teaching and research position in the Department of Psychology. I returned to Macquarie University in 2007 to take up a CORE research appointment. In 2010, I became the Scientific Director of the Macquarie Centre for Cognitive Science and subsequently Head of the Department of Cognitive Science. From 2011, I became the Deputy Director and Reading Program Leader for the ARC Centre of Excellence in Cognition and its Disorders.

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